A car insurance quote is an estimate of the price a person will pay for auto insurance coverage. Car insurance quotes are calculated based on a motorist's driving history, age, gender, location, the number of miles they drive, and their vehicle. We'll cover how to get car insurance quotes online, on the phone, or in person from an insurance agent. 

As per Motor Vehicle Act, a Third Party  insurance is compulsory and you must purchase one whether you buy a new or a used vehicle. You may  purchase a comprehensive cover as well.
The former type of insurance protects you against financial and legal liabilities towards a third party. On the other hand, A comprehensive insurance policy provides cover to your vehicle against damage due to accident, fire, theft, cyclone, flood etc. Along with this cover, it covers any third party liability .Here are five major car insurance benefits.

1.   Damage or loss to insured vehicle

In case your vehicle is damaged due to an accident, fire, or  self ignition, you are protected. Furthermore, if the car suffers losses due to burglary or theft, strikes, riots, or terrorism, your insurance policy covers these. Another benefit of car insurance is that it covers loss or damage while in transit by rail, inland waterways, air, road, or lift.

2.   Personal accident cover

Another advantage of car insurance is that it offers personal accident cover for a pre-determined amount. Personal Accident cover provides protection against  permanent total disability, Death due to an accident. Furthermore, this cover can be taken for other passengers on  unnamed  basis (maximum as per the vehicle’s seating capacity) for a pre-determined amount  under the car insurance policy.

3.   Large network of garages

HDFC ERGO Car Insurance maintains a large network of garages across the country. This ensures you receive cashless services in all these locations, in case the need arises. This feature makes it convenient to avail of repair services in case of any damage to your vehicle.

4.   Third party liabilities

If your car is involved in an accident that results in damage or loss to the property of any third parties, it is covered under the car insurance. Furthermore, if you face any legal liabilities in case of any bodily injury or death of a third party, your car insurance protects you against the same.

5.   No claim bonus

One of the major advantages of having car insurance is the no claim bonus (NCB). Customer is eligible for this benefit for every claim-free year. This may be available as a discount on the premium, which makes car insurance even more affordable.
Here are two factors you must consider while choosing a car insurance amongst various insurers.

1. Quick and hassle-free process

When you choose to buy a car insurance policy, it is important that you do not have to undergo a long and cumbersome procedure. The entire process must be simple, quick, and convenient. Furthermore, choosing an insurer that offers the additional convenience of purchasing the policy online is recommended.

2. Customer support

A reliable and reputed insurance company hires trained and experienced personnel to help resolve all your queries. Insurance companies also offer live chats to ensure your issues are resolved without any delays.

Having a car insurance policy gives you complete peace of mind. You are assured that you will face no financial difficulties in case of any loss or damage to your vehicle or to third parties.

To buy a car insurance plan CLICK HERE

What information do you need to get a car insurance quote? 

Insurers ask for a lot of information to get an accurate picture of a driver and vehicle owner. Most insurers request a person's Social Security number and their VIN when they get auto insurance quotes. While people don't have to provide this, it can result in more accurate price estimates. 

Even if you don't give an insurer your Social Security number, if you're wondering how to get car insurance quotes, be ready to provide the following details.

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