Pokemon Reborn Download
What is Pokémon Reborn?
Pokémon Reborn is a fangame created by Amethyst in RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Essentials. Originally based on the events and characters of an in-community online league, it has since developed into an expansive game that even inspired other fangames like Pokémon Rejuvenation, Pokémon Desolation and Pokémon Redemption. This wiki is user-maintained and strives to list everything to know about Pokémon Reborn.
Please be aware that Pokémon Reborn does contain sensitive content that may be triggering for some players. Efforts are taken to alert Wikia readers of potential triggers, but caution is still advised.
The Reborn city needs areas of strength for a, and yes that is you. It's your chance to make history. Get your own Pokemon, train and show them moves and become the best.
Pokemon Reborn is one of its sort fan made Pokemon game motivated by the famous Pokemon Emerald that has 807 Pokemon from Generations 1 to Generation 7. The game highlights a one of a kind field impact framework with tweaked sparkly Pokemon. Players can likewise partake in web based doing combating and exchanging as well as marvel exchanging.
There are a great deal more elements and energizing occasions hanging tight for you to find, so better prepared for a stunning experience.
Unique Features of POkemon reborn
- Field Effects - Drawing inspiration from the anime, Field Effects offer an exciting new side to battles that can lead to fun and unusual strategies!
- All 21 starters are available, and the upcoming journey spans across 18 Gym Battles, one for every type, and then a little more beyond that...
- Special Encounters - Pokémon in the Reborn region don't have as many grassy areas to hide in, so not many are found the usual way. That doesn't mean you get less Pokémon, though-It just means you have more fun finding them! Now, instead of just tromping through grass, you can discover Pokémon in secret locations, rescue them from troubling situations, or receive them as special gifts!
- Online Features - Reborn boasts fully functional online servers for battling against friends and randoms, singles, doubles, Field Effects of your choice, and friend-to-friend trading as well as time-delayed Wondertrades. The servers are not perfect, but most users will find them playable.
- Better Shinies - Tired of having your favorite Pokémon's shiny look almost identical to its regular one?
Least System Requirements
Screen captures
Pokemon Reborn Download
Each of the 21 Starters accessible
Fresh out of the box new Field Effect framework!
Current delivery recess ~55+ hours
18 composed exercise centers
Huge, point by point world
Astonishing music by GlitchxCity
Altered Shiny Pokemon
Internet Battling + Trading
Many, some more!
Least System Requirements
Windows XP or later
Macintosh OS with Wine
2+ GB RAM (4+ is better)
750 MB Hard Drive Space
Updated to 19.12 (5/20/22)
Approximate size ~700 MB.
Download POkemon reborn cheats
Download pokemon reborn cheats -------> download cheats
Windows 8 or later
Make sure your antivirus does not eat our updater!
Windows 7 or earlier
This can also work for later Windows if the above doesn't
Run the game from the Applications folder
Right click Game.AppImage, choose Properties > Permissions > Allow executing file as program